VSCode - IDE as a service
A full dev|ops local environment on the cloud.
Yet another "gitpod like environment" with the real tools you're using locally everyday.
It embed our everyday tools and CLI like docker, docker-compose, k3d, k9s, kubectl, kubeseal, terraform, terragrunt, node, python, ansible, lt, gcloud, jq, yq, etc. You can add more tools in your instance using the apt command directly on the terminal.
You also get a complete access to the compute instance hosting this web IDE, like it's your own one.
The differences with gitpod?β
Of course gitpod, coder, google cloud shell, github codespaces are great and bring lots of value for a very large amount of users. But there's value we can bring comparing to those two :
- It can be hosted in Europe πͺπΊ (including France π«π·) with French providers (like Scaleway or OVH)
- All those needed dependancies are already there: docker, docker-compose, k3d, k9s, kubectl, kubeseal, ansible, terraform, terragrunt, gcloud, jq, yq, lt
- Keep and store the state of your git repositories, oci registries credentials, ssh keys, gpg keys, etc
- It's like you own a VPS, it's your own instance with your chosen sizing: you'll not be limited by a number of hours, number of git workspaces, whatsoever
- You'll be able to install and keep vscode extensions
- You can have a dedicated tunnel server that allows you to forward your http(s) ports with a public TLS secured url on your own TLS zones and keep the same urls (see this tutorial to learn more about it)
- Lots of improvements are coming:
- we'll provide an API, a web console and a terraform module in order to give you :
- the ability to shutdown and restart your instances when your not using it in order to reduce the cost
- the persistence of git repositories and docker registries from anywhere even after the destruction/recreation of your instance (based on top of a stored states/events architecture)
- the rolling upgrades
Yeah you can use a dummy IPad to work as if you were on a powerful laptop!
Demo and tutorialsβ
You can find demo and tutorials here
Minimal requirementsβ
We advise to start with an instance >= DEV1-M
Sizing and pricingβ
Check it out here.
You can also choose to do it by yourself, it's completely free, enjoy our repository with the docker image and ansible role in order to install it by yourself.